Abstract: Nonlinear numerical modeling of masonry-infilled frames is one of the most complicated problems in structural engineering field. This complexity is attributed to the existence of joints as the major source of weakness and material nonlinearities as well as the infill-frame interaction which cannot be properly modeled using the traditional finite element methods.

Nonlinear numerical modeling of masonry-infilled frames is one of the most complicated problems in structural engineering field. This complexity is attributed to the existence of joints as the major source of weakness and material nonlinearities as well as the infill-frame interaction which cannot be properly modeled using the traditional finite element methods. Although there are many numerical studies available on solid masonry-infilled steel frames’ behavior, however, few researches have been conducted on infilled frames with openings. a nonlinear analysis was performed to investigate the effect of door frame on lateral load capacity and stiffness of infilled frames with a central opening by Abaqus.


Amin Mohebkhah, A.A. Tasnimi, H.A. Moghadam," Nonlinear analysis of masonry-infilled steel frames with openings using discrete element method", Journal of Constructional Steel Research 64 ,pp.1463–1472(2008)